Nasha Niva: Former ambassador of Belarus to Germany committed suicide – he couldn’t handle interrogations by the KGB

4 mins

На русском языке: Наша Ніва: Экс-посол Беларуси в Германии покончил с собой — не выдержал допросов КГБ
На беларускай мове: Наша Ніва: Экс-амбасадар Беларусі ў Германіі скончыў жыццё самагубствам — не вытрымаў допытаў КДБ

According to Nasha Niva, former Belarusian Ambassador to Germany Dzianis Sidarenka committed suicide – he jumped from a multi-storey building. It happened on June 23, but the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported about Sidarenka’s death only today, without any details.

Nasha Niva: Former ambassador of Belarus to Germany committed suicide – he couldn’t handle interrogations by the KGB

Nasha Niva reports that after returning from his ambassadorial work trip from Germany, Sidarenka became the object of KGB’s attention. The media outlet’s sources say that Sidarenka underwent a polygraph and interrogations and suggest that the reason for his suicide was that he couldn’t handle this.

Dzianis Sidarenka was the ambassador of Belarus to Germany from 2016 to 2024. He was dismissed from this position by Lukashenka’s decree on March 11. He didn’t get a new position in the MFA.

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