«Pre-default condition»: Fitch has withdrawn the ratings of three Belarusian insurance organizations

North Africa Post
1 mins

На русском языке: «Преддефолтное состояние»: Fitch отозвало рейтинги сразу трех беларусских страховых организаций
На беларускай мове: «Праддэфолтны стан»: Fitch адклікала рэйтынгі адразу трох беларускіх страхавых арганізацый

The international rating agency Fitch will no longer provide ratings or analysis for three Belarusian insurance companies: Belarusian National Reinsurance Organization, Belgosstrakh and Export-Import Insurance Company.

It’s reported that the agency is withdrawing the ratings, as it no longer has access to sufficient information to maintain them.

It’s notable that their last assigned rating was at the “CCC” level, which means that these companies have a low degree of sustainability and are close to default.

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