Propagandists buy bots to get proper reactions in Telegram channels of independent media and democratic forces

Nasha Niva
1 mins

На русском языке: Пропагандисты закупают ботов для накрутки нужных реакций в телеграм-каналах независимых медиа и демсил.
На беларускай мове: Прапагандысты закупляюць ботаў для накруткі патрэбных рэакцый у тэлеграм-каналах незалежных медыя і дэмсілаў.

The administration of Lukashenka is trying to pass off the purchase of likes to get needed reactions in Telegram channels of independent media and the democratic forces as a victory. It’s clear that far from the smartest people remained in the circle of the ex-president, but since they read our resources, let us give a hint: it costs only 1,5-2 Belarusian rubles to buy 500 «reactions» with the necessary icon. This is even less than one dollar.

Propagandists buy bots to get proper reactions in Telegram channels of independent media and democratic forces

But that’s fine for reporting to the bosses and supervisors. It’s better to let them think there is still «national support.» It’s easier to make surprises that way. Apparently, experience of the Informational–Analytical Center has not taught them anything.

Earlier, Nasha Niva wrote about a mass purchase of negative reactions by Lukashists. They appeared under posts about the democratic forces, the anniversary of the protest, and other topics unpleasant for the regime.

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