How the S-300 missile system moved through the territory of Belarus on June 28-29
2 mins

На русском языке: Как передвигался ЗРК С-300 по территории Беларуси 28-29 июня
На беларускай мове: Як рухаўся ЗРК С-300 па тэрыторыі Беларусі 28-29 чэрвеня

In the past few days, there have been many reports about the movement of the S-300 missile systems through the territory of Belarus. At the moment, it is known that the S-300 are based in 2 places: near Volkovysk and Myadel. And also somewhere between Drahichyn and Ivanovo.

How the S-300 missile system moved through the territory of Belarus on June 28-29

Chronology of where and when missile systems were seen in recent days:

June 28

18:00 — S-300 missile systems are moving along the M1 from Minsk towards Logoisk and the National Airport Minsk

21:00 — Moving along the M2 towards Minsk

21:30-23:00 — Moving along Minsk ring road in the direction of R-28

June 29

04:30 — Leaving Grodno in the direction of the P44

8:30 — Another column is going from Brest towards Kobrin on the M1

10:00 — Another missile system is moving from Grodno in the direction of the P44

11:00 — Another column was noticed in the Pukhovichi district near the urban village of Svisloch

How the S-300 missile system moved through the territory of Belarus on June 28-29

How the S-300 missile system moved through the territory of Belarus on June 28-29

How the S-300 missile system moved through the territory of Belarus on June 28-29

22:30 — S-300 stopped in the Myadel district between the villages of Boyary and Kuliki.

How the S-300 missile system moved through the territory of Belarus on June 28-29

How the S-300 missile system moved through the territory of Belarus on June 28-29

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