The Kremlin structure of VTsIOM polls Belarusians on the integration question. All answer options are «correct»

2 mins

На русском языке: Кремлевская структура ВЦИОМ опрашивает белорусов про интеграцию. Все варианты ответов «правильные»
На беларускай мове: Усерасійскі цэнтр вывучэння грамадскай думкі апытвае беларусаў пра інтэграцыю. Усе варыянты адказаў «правільныя»

A couple of days ago, Belarusians began to see advertising on social networks with a pro-Kremlin «sociological» survey about the integration. The questions were asked in this vein, «as if there can be no other option except the Anschluss», and the name of the country is traditionally written in a Russian way – «Belorussia».

First, «sociologists» suggest specifying the place of residence, gender and age — everything is standard. And then there are 12 questions about integration and relations between Belarus and Russia. But the most interesting thing is that there’s simply no answer «I am against integration!»

Examples of questions: 

  • In your opinion, in what areas should it be necessary to develop integration processes within the framework of the Union State?
  • If we talk about the priority goal of the integration processes between Belorussia and Russia, in your opinion, what is it?
  • A few statements about the options for the development of the Union State of Russia and Belorussia. Please note which ones you agree with. And which ones do you disagree with?

One of the answers to this question is: «Maintaining friendly relations between the two countries, preserving Belorussia in the orbit of Russia, so as not to lose it as it was with Ukraine».

Instagram ads with a survey are shown from the Facebook page «Polls, we care about your opinion.» The survey link leads to the website, but in reality it is conducted by the company «Not Indifferent Citizen» on its service, which was created at the expense of the Presidential Grants Fund of the Russian Federation.  

This company is a technological partner of VTsIOM (Russian Public Opinion Research Center) and is extremely active in cooperating with the government of the Russian Federation.

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