Assets of a Belarusian company worth $135 million are seized in Ukraine. It may be a subsidiary of Belorusneft

4 mins

На русском языке: В Украине арестованы активы беларусской компании на $135 млн. Речь может идти о дочке «Белоруснефти»
На беларускай мове: Ва Украіне арыштаваныя актывы беларускай кампаніі на $135 млн. Гаворка можа ісці пра дачку «Беларуснафты»

The Kyiv Prosecutor’s Office reports that the property of another Belarusian fuel company has been seized in Kyiv, but its name is not disclosed.

It is known that it used Belorusneft’s equipment and provided natural gas and oil production services. The total value of the seized rights and property is 4 billion hryvnia ($135 million). Now they investigate its involvement in Russia’s preparation for the invasion of Ukraine.

Zerkalo writes that this may refer to LLC Service Oil, a subsidiary of Belorusneft, which was a contractor of JSC Ukrgazdobycha engaged in drilling wells for oil and gas production, repairs of wells, seismic work, etc.

Its contractor was Belorusneft. The authorized capital was more than 900 million hryvnia. However, at the end of 2021, after the introduction of sanctions, Pukhavichynefteprodukt became the new contractor of Service Oil.

Assets of a Belarusian company worth $135 million are seized in Ukraine. It may be a subsidiary of Belorusneft

Assets of a Belarusian company worth $135 million are seized in Ukraine. It may be a subsidiary of Belorusneft

Assets of a Belarusian company worth $135 million are seized in Ukraine. It may be a subsidiary of Belorusneft

Assets of a Belarusian company worth $135 million are seized in Ukraine. It may be a subsidiary of Belorusneft

Assets of a Belarusian company worth $135 million are seized in Ukraine. It may be a subsidiary of Belorusneft

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