Belarusian Hajun: No air-based or ground-based missile launches from the territory of Belarus were recorded on August 5
4 mins

На русском языке: «Беларускі Гаюн»: 5 августа с территории Беларуси не было зафиксировано запусков ракет воздушного или наземного базирования
На беларускай мове: «Беларускі Гаюн»: 5 жніўня з тэрыторыі Беларусі не было зафіксавана запускаў ракет паветранага ці наземнага базіравання

During the entire day on August 5, 2023, no air-based or ground-based missile launches from the territory of Belarus were recorded.  Moreover, at around 19:00, there were no takeoffs of aircraft that could potentially launch a missile, and no aircraft flying into the potential missile launch zone were recorded.

In addition, we note that after a report about the alleged “missile launch from the territory of Belarus,” we received a sufficient number of denials from the most probable launch locations.

In total, at least 721 missiles have been launched from the territory of Belarus against Ukraine since 24.02.2022.

The chronology of missile attacks against Ukraine from the territory of Belarus is available here.

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