Belarusians create a petition with a request to refine the law «On genocide of the Belarusian people»

Photo: John Oldale /
3 mins

На русском языке: Беларусы создали петицию с просьбой о доработке закона «О геноциде беларусского народа»
На беларускай мове: Беларусы стварылі петыцыю з просьбай дапрацаваць закон «Аб генацыдзе беларускага народа»

Belarusians have created a petition with a request to the Presidential Administration and the Council of Ministers to send for refinement to the Lower House of Parliament the draft law «On the genocide of the Belarusian people», which was adopted in two readings on December 14. The deadline for signing the petition is December 16.

The text of the petition states that the form of this draft law is detrimental to the national interests of the state and people of the Republic of Belarus. The author of this law is Liliya Ananich, the former Minister of Information, and now – the Deputy of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus.

Among the reasons, the authors of the petition distinguish five main points. Briefly, they are:

  1. The draft law does not contain criteria used by those guilty of genocide of the Belarusian people. The law does not contain information about repressions (executions, interrogations, violence, forced deportation to the Ural, the north and the Far East) of the Soviet government against Belarusians.
  2. The document mentions the name of the period of the Great Patriotic War, but there is no specific time frame. This deprives the draft law of concreteness, both conceptual and chronological.
  3. The document calls into question the professionalism of the author of the draft law.
  4. Punishment of up to 10 years in prison for denying the genocide of the Belarusian people has no references to the research of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus on this topic.
  5. The Council of Ministers has no opportunity to implement this form of the draft law, since the document is not related to scientific research.

You can read the full petition and sign it on the website >>>

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