Flo has become a unicorn: the company is now valued at $1 billion

4 mins

На русском языке: Flo стали единорогами: компания теперь оценивается в $1 млрд
На беларускай мове: Flo сталі адзінарогамі: кампанія зараз ацэньваецца ў $1 млрд

Belarusian Flo IT company, the developer of Flo Health women’s health app, has raised $200 more million in investment and is now valued at $1 billion, which makes their app the first “purely digital” femtech app to become a unicorn, TechCrunch says.

Flo has become a unicorn: the company is now valued at $1 billion

The fundraiser followed an impressive growth, which is remarkable given the challenges Flo has faced, including a pending Federal Trade Commission regulatory investigation related to privacy and a generally bearish tech market.

The company says it currently serves about 380 million users worldwide, and its free product currently has 70 million monthly active users, with another 5 million paying for the premium version. Flo is actively used in North America and Western Europe, with an average user age of 18-35. In 2023, Flo launched Flo for Partners, a program that allows users to educate and empower their partners through scientific understanding of their menstrual and reproductive health.

«As part of our next growth phase, we will focus on expanding our user base. We will extend our reach to untapped user segments by developing features for women experiencing perimenopause and menopause, and partners of our existing users through our ‘Flo for Partners’ feature,» CEO Dzmitry Hurski noted.

Thus, Flo has become the second unicorn company with Belarusian roots. The company’s main development office is now based in Vilnius, and their headquarters is based in London.

Congratulations to the Flo team on this achievement!

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