Sources: Belarusian military and doctors serve at a Russian base in Syria

Photo: Ministry of Defense of Belarus
5 mins

На русском языке: Источники: Беларусские военные и медики служат на российской базе в Сирии

In January 2021, BYPOL initiative reported that in September 2021, 300 Belarusian soldiers were going to be sent to Syria to organize patrols of the territories. It was reported that they would get about $ 2,000 per month. However, since then, no information has been received about the business trip, and details about those who were sent (or not sent) there.

The editors of learned that the military was sent to Syria. In particular, it is known that military doctors of the 432nd Main Military Clinical Medical Center of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus were sent there for a year in the autumn of 2021. According to sources, now there are not only Belarusian doctors, but also soldiers who serve there under contract at the Russian military base.

«My friend, senior lieutenant, was sent to Syria in August 2021. No one forced him, it was voluntary. They promised promotion on the career ladder and money, a salary under the contract (about 1700 rubles) and secondment costs (about 3000 rubles). He serves there at a Russian military base,» the sources report.

«My neighbor returned from a Syrian business trip. Everyone thought that he was serving, because he disappeared in the summer of 2020, and returned at the beginning of 2022,» the sources say.

Moreover, there is unconfirmed information that the Belarusian military was sent to Syria before 2021. One of the sources said that back in 2019, the military from Brest were secretly sent on a one-year business trip to Syria.

In addition, there is also information that the funeral of a girl who, according to unconfirmed information, died in Syria, where she was a sniper, will be held in Brest.

If you have any additional information, as well as confirmation of the participation of Belarusians in the war in Syria, please write anonymously to @motolko_bot or via the contact form below. 

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