The General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces claims that Iranian UAVs are located at Luninets airfield. The Belarusian Hajun doesn’t confirm this information

3 mins

На русском языке: Генштаб ВСУ заявляет про иранские БПЛА на аэродроме «Лунинец». «Беларускі Гаюн» не подтверждает это
На беларускай мове: Генштаб УСУ заяўляе пра іранскія БПЛА на аэрадроме «Лунінец». «Беларускі Гаюн» не пацвярджае гэта

During a briefing today, the deputy head of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff Oleksii Gromov said that Russia has deployed Iranian drones at the airfield near Luninets.

“The Belarusian territory continues to be used by the aggressor to launch missile strikes against the territory of Ukraine. A special role here is given to the airbase near the settlement Luninets in Brest region, where Iranian UAVs, as well as a certain number of their operators, are deployed,” Gromov said.

The same information was spread by a number of Ukrainian Telegram channels in early October.

We can’t confirm the deployment of Iranian UAVs and launches from the airfield in Luninets. The monitoring group Belarusian Hajun has repeatedly stressed that there is no reliable confirmation of presence of Iranian UAVs and their launches from the territory of Belarus. As for the launches, we don’t deny them totally, and we believe that the only possible location may be the Belarusian part of the Chernobyl zone.

As for the location and launches of Shahed drones from the airfield in Luninets, we can give you only one fact: we receive daily information from sources in that area, and none of them has ever recorded even sounds typical for Shahed drones. In addition, large-scale construction work has been conducted at Luninets airfield in recent months, and now there’s practically no military equipment there.

Thus, at the moment we don’t confirm the information about the deployment of Iranian drones at Luninets airfield.

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