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Перестрелка на Якубовского: убит сотрудник КГБ и житель дома
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Перастрэлка на Якубоўскага: забіты супрацоўнік КДБ і жыхар дома
On September 28, security forces broke into one of the apartments on Yakubovskogo, 29. Andrey Zeltser, its tenant , a 32-year-old employee of EPAM Systems, met them with a shot from a hunting rifle and was mortally wounded in response. A KGB officer also died from wounds.
The first publication about this appeared in the Telegram channel Nexta at 19:37.
As at 16:10 near the 3rd entrance of the house on Yakubovskogo, 29, there were security forces all day long, reported the Telegram channel «Glaza-Zapad». 2 vehicles of the IC were seen: a van and a car, and at least two police cars. The personnel were wearing shoe covers and gloves, many people in civilian clothes.
According to our information, today police received a message that at the address of Yakubovsky Street, 29, unknown people were breaking down the door to apartment 78. At 13:34 the Department of Safety left for the specified address. At 13:40 it was reported that an officer was wounded.
Journalists discovered the real account of Andrey Zeltser in Instagram, where the last publication was made 4 days ago. It is curious that the last account to which this profile subscribed is «Belgosokhota«.
Another Instagram account was also discovered, which is subscribed only to some photographers. It has a photo of the gun. Almost all the photos in this account were published in August. There is also a photo where a smoothbore gun is shown. The sound of its shot should have been heard by the whole house, but so far none of the residents of the house on Yakubovsky, who contacted us, heard it.
Later, the video was published, but questions immediately arose about its authenticity. In particular, a wounded person, who is called a KGB officer, first stands back and only then lies on the floor.
In addition, the fire is opened by a man in a black hat at the moment when an employee in black stands in the line of fire, after which the second one stands back and lies on the floor.
Telegram channel «Belarus Golovnogo Mozga» drew attention to the pistols that the attackers had: Glock of the 3rd or 4th generation, as well as SigSauer P226. It is known that these pistols are issued to employees of the special forces Alpha (KGB) and Almaz (Ministry of Internal Affairs).
It is also worth paying attention: when they are going to detain an armed person, then a special detachment of the police does it in full equipment and with shields. In this case, as seen in the video, employees do not even have body armor.
Nasha Niva writes that Andrey’s mother works as a kindergarten teacher, his father is disabled. He worked as a lawyer in the society of disabled people of BelTI. The publication contacted the mother of Andrey Zeltser’s wife, here is what she said:
"I don't know anything. We found out that something had happened when we got a call from the gymnasium where my grandson was studying. The principal of the gymnasium called us and said that we needed to pick up the grandson. The law enforcement agencies told us that the daughter is on Okrestsina Street. That's it. They said they couldn't provide more information",– the woman said.
«I can’t say or think anything. I’m shocked, I don’t understand what’s going on. My daughter is an ordinary saleswoman. Andrey is a very good man, a wonderful son-in-law. The most beloved person. Calm, attentive, calculating, kind. Always helps. Any mother-in-law would dream of such a son-in-law.
I don’t know where Andrey’s weapons came from. So far, his parents and I have only talked about our grandson. We’re still in shock, we don’t know how to talk to them about all of this.
Do I consider Andrey a terrorist? Of course not».