На русском языке:
Поставляет ли Беларусь оружие в Мьянму?
На беларускай мове:
Ці пастаўляе Беларусь зброю ў М’янму?
Today, some telegram channels have drawn attention to the topic of military cargo at Yangon airport, starting from February 10, 2021. The situation in Myanmar resembles a revolution, with its own methods of struggle and propaganda. The original reports focus on possible Chinese interference in Myanmar’s affairs.
The editors of motolko.help noticed that in one of the photos you can see a cargo plane similar to the Il-62.
There are not many such aircrafts in the state of flightability in the world. The Belarusian transport airline Rada Airlines has two:
EW-450TR (ICAO hex 510099)
EW-505TR (ICAO hex 510146)
Both are hidden for display on most popular tracking services. But if you want, they can be found.
The board with the number EW-450TR from November 10, 2020 to February 17, 2021 was in Kazan.
But the second – EW-505TR – on February 1, 2021 flew from Vitebsk to China, from there to France, from France to Turkey, from there to Guinea, then to Serbia, from there to Egypt, and only then to Myanmar. On February 10, 2021, the board was in Myanmar – this is a fact. And after Myanmar, on the same day went to China, then again to France, Serbia, then there was a little Africa and Turkey. And on February 16, 2021, it returned to Belarus.
What was on the board on the flight from Egypt to Myanmar is unknown. In the photo with the unloading of boxes, the insides of the cargo compartment of the IL-62 are easily recognized:
You can see the characteristic lamps of internal lighting under the ceiling and the numbers on the paneling.
It is unlikely that the EW-505TR board could carry any military cargo from Belarus to Myanmar for 10 days across Europe , but it could be used as a transport to deliver a certain cargo from one of the «intermediate» countries mentioned above.