15-year-old brother of the admin of the Community of Railway Workers of Belarus was arrested by the KGB and then transferred to a mental hospital

Krasnaya Vesna
4 mins

На русском языке: 15-летнего брата админа Сообщества железнодорожников Беларуси задержал КГБ. Его 3 суток удерживали в ИВС, а после перевели в психбольницу
На беларускай мове: 15-гадовага брата адміна Супольнасці чыгуначнікаў Беларусі затрымаў КДБ. Яго 3 сутак утрымлівалі ў ІЧУ, а пасля перавялі ў псіхлячэбніцу

It became known that Lukashenka’s KGB has arrested and is holding hostage a minor teenager – a 15-year old brother of the administrator of the Community of Railway Workers of Belarus.

The telegram channel @belzhd_live has been closely following and publishing information about the huge number of military cargo trains of occupation troops of the Russian Armed Forces arriving in Belarus since the beginning of the war. This information greatly interferes with the plans of Putin and Lukashenka – and this is no exaggeration. We are sure that the work of @belzhd_live, among other things, has significantly slowed down and made public the movement of military cargo trains of the Russian Armed Forces before the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

Now about what happened and what it means.

The KGB arrested the 15-year-old teenager, opened a fake criminal case against him under Article 208 part 2 of the Criminal Code of Belarus (extortion) and kept him for three days in the temporary detention center on Akrestsina, without allowing his parents or a lawyer to see him.

«We don’t know what they were doing with the child all this time, on Friday he was released from custody and sent to the Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Mental Health (Navinki),» @belzhd_live writes.

You’re probably already asking, «Why?» That is because the enforcers are pressuring @belzhd_live through pressure on a close relative. They are demanding that the Telegram channel be deleted and that the activity be stopped.

This is the reality, this is what the Belarusians encounter every day. And this is the direct proof that the Lukashenka regime is de-facto terrorist. And Belarusians who are arrested for political reasons or for supporting Ukraine are literally held hostage.

We ask you to share this information.

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