Andrei Brishtelev no longer heads Belinvestbank?

Andrei Brishtelev
2 mins

На русском языке: Андрей Бриштелев больше не возглавляет «Белинвестбанк»?
На беларускай мове: Андрэй Брышцелеў больш не ўзначальвае «Белінвестбанк»?

Zerkalo publication noticed that there’s a lack of information about the chairman of Belinvestbank (which will be disconnected from SWIFT according to yesterday’s EU sanctions) Andrei Brishtelev on the website of the National Bank. According to the publication, the data about the head of Belinvestbank were still on the website on May 13.

At the end of April, we reported that Andrei Brishtelev had been detained. Later, our sources confirmed it.

Brishtelev has been the chairman of the board of Belinvestbank since February 2017, before that he was a member of the board of the National Bank of Belarus and the chairman of the board of Paritetbank.

It is also worth noting that the website of the National Bank has no information about the heads of four other banks – Statusbank, BNB Bank, Belgazprombank and Paritetbank.

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