The director of a sanctioned company is on vacation in Lithuania

Source: devby
2 mins

На русском языке: Директор подсанкционной компании, которая разработала ПО для распознавания лиц, свободно отдыхает в Литве
На беларускай мове: Дырэктар падсанкцыйнай кампаніі, якая распрацавала ПЗ для распазнання асоб, свабодна адпачывае ў Літве

The director of a sanctioned company that developed facial recognition software is on vacation in Lithuania. We learned that Yuriy Serbenkov, the director of the IT company Synesis, which came under the EU sanctions in December 2020, is currently on vacation in Palanga.

Synesis is the developer of the software of the national public security monitoring system, the so-called Kipod, which has been implemented in surveillance cameras in various cities and towns of Belarus and is actively used, incl. for facial recognition of protesters. It is worth noting that as of June 2021, Serbenkov owned 81% of Synesis, i.e. the controlling stake, and previously headed the 3rd unit of the 5th Department of GUBOPiK.

The director of a sanctioned company is on vacation in Lithuania

The director of a sanctioned company is on vacation in Lithuania

We found out that in early July he was in Vilnius with his wife, where, among other things, he climbed to see the city from the Three Crosses Mountain. And the last few days he’s been in Palanga at the Baltic Sea.

The director of a sanctioned company is on vacation in Lithuania

The director of a sanctioned company is on vacation in Lithuania

Moreover, we found out that right now they are staying at Pas Loretą apartment, Mėtų skg. 1, Palanga.

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