Belarusian Hajun: Military activity on the territory of Belarus on April 4

Illustrative photo / Ministry of Defense of Belarus
4 mins

Aviation activity

  • Aviation activity was recorded at Homel airport, Machulishchy and Baranavichy airfields. Flights of aircraft and helicopters of the Belarusian Air Force and Russian Aerospace Forces were recorded.
  • A transport aircraft An-124 of the Russian Aerospace Forces arrived at Homel airport. In total, 12 such aircraft have arrived at Homel airport since March 25.
  • A flight of MiG-31K of the Russian Aerospace Forces was recorded at Machulishchy airfield (for the first time since March 23).

Rail activity

  • A military cargo train with equipment of the Russian Armed Forces was being formed at Asipovichy-1 station.

Movements by road

  • No large columns (10+ pieces) with military vehicles of the Russian Armed Forces were recorded. Single vehicles and small columns of the Russian Armed Forces were spotted in Lida and Asipovichy.
  • A large column (20+ pieces) with military vehicles of the 120th Mechanized Brigade of the Belarusian Armed Forces was spotted in Minsk. The movements are connected with the sudden combat readiness inspection. Single vehicles and small columns of the Belarusian Armed Forces were spotted in Minsk, Homel, and on some sections of the M5 and M6 highways.

Belarusian Hajun: Military activity on the territory of Belarus on April 4

Military activity on the territory of Belarus on April 4 / Belarusian Hajun

General conclusion

The conclusion on the situation made in the report for March 14 remains valid.

The military cargo train of the Russian Armed Forces spotted in Asipovichy may indicate the beginning of a new rotation of the Russian contingent in Belarus and its redeployment to the combat zone. However, so far it is possible that this train will be the only one, and it will not be followed by mass movements of the Russian Armed Forces by rail.

Changes in the size of the group of the Russian Armed Forces in Belarus: no data.

Online map of military activity in Belarus

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