Belarusian Hajun: We can’t confirm the information about the construction of a camp for the PMC Wagner in the Asipovichy district

Ministry of Defense of Belarus
4 mins

На русском языке: «Беларускі Гаюн»: Не можем подтвердить информацию про строительство лагеря для ЧВК «Вагнер» в Осиповичском районе
На беларускай мове: «Беларускі Гаюн»: Не можам пацвердзіць інфармацыю пра будаўніцтва лагера для ПВК «Вагнер» у Асіповіцкім раёне

Currently, there is no data to confirm the information about the construction of a camp for the PMC Wagner in the Asipovichy district.

The Belarusian Hajun currently has no data that would confirm the information about the construction of the camp for the PMC Wagner near Asipovichy. We also want to repeat that right now we do not confirm the data on the alleged presence of Prigozhin in Belarus.

Today, the Russian media Wyorstka reported that construction of a camp for Wagner mercenaries allegedly began in the Asipovichy district. It’s said in the post that the journalists received confirming comments in the forestry and a source “close to the administration of Mahiliou region.” The text says that there will allegedly be several camps for 8000 mercenaries and that the current camp area is 24,000 square meters.

In addition, the post says that several relatives of the PMC Wagner mercenaries confirm that they will be sent to Belarus.

What can the Belarusian Hajun say about it?

As of 17:30 26.06, we can definitely say that there has been no activity in the Asipovichy district in the past 24 hours, not to mention the construction of such a large facility.

We note that the data of a foreign (Russian) media that they were able to get comments from sources close to the administration of Mahiliou region are questionable. However, Belarusian independent media haven’t received such comments and haven’t confirmed this information yet.

As for the possible transfer of the PMC Wagner mercenaries to Belarus, we will be able to confirm or deny this information by direct observation. Currently, there are no PMC columns moving to Belarus or that are already in Belarus.

We continue to monitor the situation.

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