A transporter for the transportation of corpses is being searched for in Khoiniki

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3 mins

На русском языке: В Хойниках ищут перевозчика для транспортировки трупов
На беларускай мове: У Хойніках шукаюць перавозчыка для транспарціроўкі трупаў

The website of public procurement published a tender for «the choice of an executor to provide services for the transportation of bodies of dead people for forensic examinations or for temporary storage in the morgue,» which is held by the communal housing unitary enterprise Khoiniki communal services.

A transporter for the transportation of corpses is being searched for in Khoiniki

Объявление на сайте госзакупок

The cost of such services is estimated at 16,000 BYN (≈ $4750). The place of work is specified as the Khoiniki district and the town of Khoiniki. The tender documents state that the service should include transportation of both simply deceased people and «complicated corpses» (dismembered).

Most likely, we are talking about a standard annual procurement procedure, this conclusion can be made by analyzing the list of services provided by the Khoiniki communal services, among which is the provision of ritual services.

At the same time, it should be noted that there were wounded soldiers of the Russian Armed Forces in the Khoiniki Hospital, and medical PAZ buses were constantly seen in the town, which, among other things, transported wounded servicemen. In early April military doctors left the town, but it is quite possible that some bodies of the Russian Armed Forces may have remained in the hospital morgue. Of course, it is impossible to say this without indisputable evidence.

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