BNB-Bank banned cash withdrawals from Visa and Mastercard cards of foreign banks

Belaruski Narodny Bank
2 mins

На русском языке: «Беларускі народны банк» запретил снятие наличные с карт Visa и Mastercard иностранных банков
На беларускай мове: «Беларускі народны банк» забараніў зняцце наяўных з карт Visa і Mastercard замежных банкаў

Belaruski Narodny Bank banned cash withdrawals from Visa and Mastercard cards of foreign banks.

The possibility of withdrawal at ATMs, terminals and currency exchange offices of BNB-Bank was suspended on May 15.

«We will inform you about changes in the use of foreign bank cards at BNB-Bank as and when they occur,» the bank’s website says.

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