BYPOL: Two parachutists of the Russian Armed Forces died during the landing at the training ground near Grodno

1 mins

На русском языке: BYPOL: Двое парашютистов ВС РФ погибли при высадке на полигоне под Гродно
На беларускай мове: BYPOL: Двое парашутыстаў паветраных сіл РФ загінулі пры высадцы на палігоне пад Гроднам

According to BYPOL, during the landing of the Russian Airborne Forces at the Gozhsky training ground in the Grodno district, two parachutists died — an officer and a conscript. This was due to the convergence of parachutists with the extinguishing of the canopy of one of them.

According to the state agency BelTA, today one of the components of the Union State’s response forces was exercised there.

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