Cyber Partisans: Karayev tried to find injured officers and failed

Illustration: Cyber Partisans
2 mins

На русском языке: Кибер-партизаны: Караев искал пострадавших милиционеров и не нашел
На беларускай мове: Кібер-партызаны: Караеў шукаў пацярпелых міліцыянтаў і не знайшоў

Cyber Partisans have published a recording of a conversation between Yury Karayev, the Minister of Internal Affairs, and Vitaly Kozlov, the First Deputy Head of the Internal Affairs Department of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee, made on September 10, 2020, at 17:19. In the conversation, Karayev asks to provide the injured officers for interviews.

This leak is a reaction to Alexander Lukashenka’s interview to the BBC, where he admitted that protesters were beaten in pre-trial detention centers and at Okrestina. But in addition, he said that there were the officers themselves among the victims.

Here’s a transcript of the conversation.

Yury Karayev: Look, we need to urgently find those who were injured by actions during the mass riots. Our policemen, I mean. To give an interview.

Vitaly Kozlov: An officer of the Criminal Investigation Committee was injured in Molodechno, Minister. But mostly, servicemen of the internal troops were injured – both in Molodechno and in Zhodino. In all other cases, the damage was minor.

Yury Karayev: And that one from Molodechno – who is he?

Vitaly Kozlov: An employee of the Criminal Investigation Committee, who had already given an interview, that when he saw as Kudzin knocked out a soldier, entered this fight to prevent a counter attack and received a counter blow …

Yury Karayev: From Kudzin? And got his tooth broken?

Vitaly Kozlov: Yes.

Yury Karayev: Then we don’t need him.

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