Latvia bans entry for Belarusians and Russians who openly support Russian aggression
1 mins

На русском языке: Латвия запрещает въезд в страну беларусам и русским, открыто поддерживающим российскую агрессию
На беларускай мове: Латвія забараняе ўезд у краіну беларусам і рускім, якія адкрыта падтрымліваюць расійскую агрэсію

The Latvian publication, citing the Latvian State Security Service, reports that foreigners arriving in Latvia from Russia and Belarus are now subject to enhanced border control in order to identify those who support Russian aggression against Ukraine and may pose a threat to the national security.

According to media, special attention is paid to individuals who served in the security services of Belarus and Russia, who publicly display symbols associated with Russian aggression, or express a negative attitude towards Latvia.

It’s reported that people who pass such a search are asked to sign a document condemning Russia’s military actions.

According to the Latvian State Security Service, 62 foreigners, 14 of whom are citizens of Belarus, have already been denied entry into the country. It’s noted that if these people had a valid visa to enter the Schengen zone, the visa was canceled.

Thus, based on the available information, we assume that the entry restrictions apply only to people who publicly support the war against Ukraine.

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