Railroad tracks were blown up again in Bryansk oblast: 20 cars and the locomotive of a freight train derailed

4 mins

На русском языке: В Брянской области РФ опять подорвали железнодорожные пути: с путей сошли 20 вагонов и локомотив грузового поезда
На беларускай мове: У Бранскай вобласці РФ зноў падарвалі чыгуначныя пуці: з пуцей сышлі 20 вагонаў і лакаматыў грузавога цягніка

It happened at about 120 km. from the border with Belarus, on the railroad tracks near Snezhetskaya station. According to “Baza”, several explosions occurred when a freight train was passing from Bryansk to Karachev.

Railroad tracks were blown up again in Bryansk oblast: 20 cars and the locomotive of a freight train derailed

The Russian Railways confirmed that at 19:47, 20 cars of the freight train derailed on the Snezhetskaya-Beliye Berega line in Bryansk oblast, Russia, due to “illegal interference in the operation of the railway transport.”

Railroad tracks were blown up again in Bryansk oblast: 20 cars and the locomotive of a freight train derailed

The Community of railway workers of Belarus has already told the Flagshtok publication that there was no locomotive or Belarusian Railway crew in the train.

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