There is no «monolithism» among propagandists, but rather constant fights, splitting money and looking for enemies in everyone and everything

2 mins

На русском языке: Никакой «монолитности» в рядах пропагандистов нет, а есть постоянные срачи, распил денег и поиск врагов во всех и во всём
На беларускай мове: Ніякай «маналітнасці» ў шэрагах прапагандыстаў няма, а ёсць сталыя сваркі, распілоўванне грошай і пошук ворагаў ва ўсіх і ва ўсім

Kirill Kazakov, the former head of STV TV channel, one of Lukashenka’s key propagandists in 2020, and now the head of the newspaper Minsk Courier, wrote a column saying that their circle has a lot of complaints about each other.

See how he describes what’s going on inside:

«A year ago, my colleagues decided to distribute positions in an organization that did not yet exist, and they had a fight. Then, at the same time, they decided that for some reason the money not yet allocated by the state to support them should be divided, and then they had another fight.»

Kazakov writes that he is not satisfied with harassing those who go on vacation to Europe or go to a restaurant with an English name:

«Went to a restaurant with an English name – enemy of the people. Tried to find a solution to the problem, and didn’t screw everybody at once – weak. And then they throw mud at journalists, teachers, officials, and leaders of public organizations.»

In fact, it is such an unambiguous attack on all sorts of ‘Azaryonok’ and ‘Mukovozchyk’, who are constantly trying to curry favor by harassing others and closing the Minsk facilities. At the same time, he calls them populists, who are a very small part of society.

Another aspect is that it was Kazakov who brought Azaryonok, Pustovy and others to STV. He called hate speech «authorial journalism,» but the fact is that he has been the head of STV for less than a year and not long ago has been downgraded to the unpopular propaganda newspaper Minsk Courier. By the way, Azaryonok is also published there, but Kazakov apparently doesn’t like it.

In general, it turns out that Kazakov is not satisfied with the actions of those he brought to the state TV, and maybe not only them. Judging by the column, relations in their teams have been tense for a long time – it just rarely comes out.

There is no «monolithism» among propagandists, but rather constant fights, splitting money and looking for enemies in everyone and everything

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