There are at least 2000 mercenaries of PMC Wagner in Belarus

3 mins

На русском языке: В Беларуси уже минимум 2000 наёмников ЧВК «Вагнер»
На беларускай мове: У Беларусі ўжо мінімум 2000 наймітаў ПВК «Вагнер»

According to our data, the convoys of PMC Wagner started arriving in Belarus on July 11. Before that, we estimated the number of mercenaries who arrived in Belarus on their own, not as part of organized convoys, at about 200 people.

We have data that at least 5 convoys of Prigozhin’s mercenaries have already arrived in Belarus since July 11, which is at least 382-400 vehicles, and the number of mercenaries in Belarus, according to our estimates, is 2000-2500 people.

Only today we have recorded the arrival of 2 convoys with 170-185 vehicles.

If you know anything about the movement of the PMC Wagner convoy, please write to @HajunBYbot (or through your friends abroad) or use our contact form on the website.

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The 5th convoy of PMC Wagner arrived in Belarus: it includes over 90 vehicles
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The 6th convoy of PMC Wagner is moving along the R43-M5 highway right now

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