Turkish Airlines flight to Moscow had an emergency landing in Belarus at night: presumably, there was fire on the plane

2 mins

На русском языке: Ночью в Беларуси экстренно сел борт Turkish Airlines летевший в Москву: предположительно в самолёте произошло возгорание
На беларускай мове: Уначы ў Беларусі экстрана сеў борт Turkish Airlines які ляцеў у Маскву: меркавана ў самалёце адбылося ўзгаранне

The Telegram channel «OtVinta | Aviation of Belarus» reported that at 01:38, Boeing 737-8F2 (TC-JGA) of Turkish Airlines on the flight TK7698/THY8CL Ankara — Moscow unexpectedly landed at Minsk National airport (MSQ).

It’s known that before landing, the pilots had sent emergency squawk code 7600, which means failure of radio or loss of voice communication. According to our information, there were 145 passengers on board.

The airline’s support service responded to relatives of one of the passengers on Twitter that the plane landed in Minsk due to technical problems and refused to disclose information about its passengers due to security measures taken. However, later one of the passengers managed to contact relatives and said that there was a fire on board, the plane lost a significant amount of oxygen and made an emergency landing at MSQ.

In addition, it turned out that airline’s personnel didn’t know what to do, relatives write that oxygen masks fell out, but flight attendants didn’t tell the passengers anything. They write that they were not provided with food, water, or a hotel in Minsk. Moreover, the company has not even provided another flight to Moscow yet: “Passengers have to buy new tickets themselves,” relatives of the passengers write.

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