Opinion. «Mythology of Belarus» on the migration crisis as a blackmail form of the Kremlin

Illustration: "Mythology of Belarus" Telegram channel
4 mins

На русском языке: Мнение. «Мифология Беларуси» о миграционном кризисе как форме шантажа Кремля
На беларускай мове: Меркаванне. «Міфалогія Беларусі» пра міграцыйны крызіс як форму шантажу Крамля

Telegram channel «Mythology of Belarus» published a post about the migration crisis at the EU border and how it looks like blackmail of the Kremlin. Here is the opinion unchanged.

The escalation of the migration situation on the part of Lukashenka as a form of forcing the European Union to dialogue is only a part of a big game with exorbitant stakes.

No matter how paradoxical it may seem at first glance, it is also the Kremlin’s blackmail.

It would seem that the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on the contrary, often and heartily gloats about this: they say, the aggressive West itself previously triggered distant countries, now it is helpless in confronting migration flows.

And also, they say, the West is fascist, since it does not let all migrants in — it doesn’t matter whether they arrive in the Mediterranean Sea or by flights through Belarus.

In general, the classic propaganda triad about the aggressive, fascist and at the same time helpless West is played. (As the antipode of this ugliness – peace-loving, truly democratic, sovereign and strong Russia).

It’s true.

However, there is a facet to such a creative attempt to destabilize the EU, the transition of which turns it from an object of admiration of the Kremlin into a source of its headache.

Destabilizing the EU and gloating about the migration situation is good, but the Kremlin would not really like to be involved in a real round of military and economic tensions with the West at someone else’s will. And Lukashenka continues to send signals to Moscow that this is possible. From today’s «interview»:

We know that if, God forbid, we make a mistake, if we stumble, it will immediately draw Russia into this maolly. And this is the largest nuclear power. I'm not crazy. I understand perfectly where this can lead. Therefore, there is no heroism here - "grabbed a machine gun and went to the Polish border" (by the way, I served at one time as a border guard there) - no, in no case. We are aware, we know our place. But we won't kneel.

So that nothing happens and a fatal «mistake» isn’t made, which will draw Russia «into this whirlpool» against its will, the Kremlin should quickly resolve the issue of 2-3 billion dollars for its closest ally, Lukashenka uses signals.

Like, we are aware of it, but you should be aware of it too.

Even in this seemingly «common» anti-Western migration game and in the current weakened political position, Lukashenka has found an instrument to put pressure on the Kremlin.

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