Opinion. Daria Chekhova on the real situation with COVID-19 in one of the hospitals in Minsk

Photo: Daria Chekhova's Instagram
3 mins

На русском языке: Мнение. Дарья Чехова о реальной ситуации с COVID-19 в одной из больниц Минска
На беларускай мове: Меркаванне. Дар’я Чэхава пра рэальную сітуацыю з COVID-19 у адной з бальніц Мінска

Daria Chekhova, the former therapist of the 10th Minsk hospital, who runs the popular Twitter account «Plotkina», told what the real situation with COVID-19 in one of the Minsk hospitals is. Here are Daria’s words unchanged.

Briefly about the situation with the coronavirus: in the hospital where I worked, another intensive care unit was opened.

My colleagues are now working in some never-ending covid hell. Huge queues in clinics, sudden deaths against the background of complaints of fever and shortness of breath, lack of oxygen, overcrowded intensive care units (including with patients under 30 years old) and high mortality rates.

And it’s not that medicine is «wrong» –  there are enough problems in all countries now. There are just too many patients. It is physically impossible to provide everyone with oxygen or ventilators. Therefore, doctors sometimes have to «play God» and choose those patients who will be «pulled».

It’s scary, but that’s the reality. My peers are forced to make the most difficult decisions, and I see how they slowly burn out. Yes, we were taught that it’s not easy in medicine, but life somehow didn’t prepare for the fact that you will constantly bury someone.

But do patients do something to protect themselves?

Unfortunately, no. 99% of resuscitation patients were not vaccinated. No one wants to wear masks in public either. And everyone thinks: «This will not affect me», but then it still affects.

I want to convey the seriousness of the situation. Get a vaccine, be more responsible for your health and the health of others – do at least something in your power to reduce the risks of morbidity and mortality.

The health care system can really NOT COPE WITH IT. Take care of yourself.

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