Opinion. «Mythology of Belarus» on nuclear warheads and the Bodhi Tree

Illustration: "Mythology of Belarus" Telegram channel
4 mins

На русском языке: Мнение. «Мифология Беларуси» о ядерных боеголовках и дереве Бодхи
На беларускай мове: Меркаванне. «Міфалогія Беларусі» пра ядзерныя боегалоўкі і дрэва Бодхі

The «Mythology of Belarus» Telegram channel published a post explaining why it may be beneficial for Alexander Lukashenka to deploy nuclear warheads on the territory of Belarus.. We quote the author’s words unchanged.

Lukashenka said that he doesn’t mind the deployment of Russian nuclear weapons on the territory of Belarus. He really craves it. But not only and not so much because of the Kremlin’s support in its anti-Western aspirations. But, above all, to contain the Kremlin’s stranglehold.

The fact is that by signing and implementing a new integration pact with Russia, as well as unequivocally recognizing the Crimea as Russian, Lukashenka is greatly weakening his position in relations with Moscow.

Having received what is desired, the Kremlin may soon want to hold inspections of potential political successors to Lukashenka on its own terms. Namely, on unconditional terms of their recognition of the integration pact and position on the Crimea, previously signed by Lukashenka.

In addition, if Lukashenka has nuclear warheads, the option of dynastic transit in Belarus can be considered not just a possible negative scenario, but almost a foregone conclusion.

Lukashenka would like to get serious guarantees of the impossibility of the Kremlin’s ruthless game and establish at least some limits of Moscow’s non-encroachment on his political control over the Belarusian territory. And one can hardly find a more impressive guarantee than the presence of several (formally Russian) nuclear warheads at hand. 

Putin’s degree of awareness of this truth is as good as Siddhartha Gautama’s degree of enlightenment after 49 days of meditation under the ficus tree.

Therefore, the probability of their placement in Belarus (read: transfers under the control of Lukashenka) does not exceed the probability of victory of the Belarusian team at the World Cup.

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