Vitebsk Emergency Hospital bought 520 body bags in six months

5 mins

На русском языке: Витебская БСМП за полгода закупила 520 мешков для трупов
На беларускай мове: Віцебская БСМП за паўгода закупіла 520 мяшкоў для трупаў

Belarusians found strange tenders on the public procurement website, according to which Vitebsk Emergency Hospital has already purchased 400 body bags in April and July 2021, for a total amount of 3,800 rubles. In August, another tender was announced for the purchase of 120 bags with delivery dates of September 1-7.

Vitebsk Emergency Hospital bought 520 body bags in six months

Moreover, according to the public procurement website, it was the Vitebsk Emergency Hospital  that in 2021 purchased bags for corpses more actively than other health care institutions in Belarus.

A petition has been created on the «Udobny Gorod» platform demanding to explain for what purposes the Vitebsk City Clinical Hospital of Emergency Medical Care purchased 520 pathoanatomical bags in less than 6 months.

The petition notes that Yulia Kostrova, the head of the logistics department of the Vitebsk Regional Clinical Hospital,  in May 2020 said that the annual need of the institution for pathoanatomical bags is only 50 grand. Yes, this is a different health care institution, but it is impossible not to note a singly difference in needs.

The authors of the petition ask for answers to the following:

  • What is the reason for the purchase of 520 body bags in less than 6 months?
  • What is the average monthly/annual need for pathoanatomical bags at Health Care Institutions?
  • Is the purchase related to the high mortality rates of the institution's patients from COVID-19?

The petition collected 238 signatures and on September 7 was sent to the Vitebsk City Clinical Hospital of Emergency Medical Care.

On September 9, a response signed by the Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Affairs came from there, which reads:

  • The state purchase of pathoanatomical bags is carried out in accordance with the annual public procurement plan for 2021.
  • Indicators of the average monthly/ annual need for pathoanatomical bags depend on the level of hospital mortality, which varies by disease and age of patients, and may vary at different period.
  • The purchase of pathoanatomical bags for 6 months of 2021 is not associated with an increase in the mortality of patients from COVID-19.

Vitebsk Emergency Hospital bought 520 body bags in six months

It’s interesting that at the end of March, the Ministry of Health told the Vitebsk Emergency Hospital off «on the issue of work in the conditions of COVID-19 with an assessment of the quality of medical care, the work of the oxygen substation, and the deaths of patients in this hospital». It was reported by Telegram channel of the Department:

"We established gaps in the organization of medical care for patients in intensive care unit, in the organization of examination and treatment, monitoring the dynamics of the patient's condition, registration of medical documents, non-compliance with the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime. The causes and conditions that contributed to the emergency situation in the operation of the oxygen distribution unit were established, the non-compliance of the equipment used with standards was revealed".

It is also reported that an additional check was appointed «at the republican level for two cases of death of patients and for the Medical and Control Comission of the Vitebsk region on one case, as well as additional provision of documents on the procurement procedure and the procedure for the use of oxygen equipment».


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