На русском языке:
Великобритания и Канада ввели новые санкции против режима Лукашенко
На беларускай мове:
Вялікабрытанія і Канада ўвялі новыя санкцыі супраць рэжыму Лукашэнкі
The UK sanctions affect 6 individuals and 3 entities:
- Ihar Karpenka (head of the Central Election Comission of Belarus);
- Viktar Dubrouka (head of penal colony No.11);
- Pavel Kazakou (head of prison No.1, Hrodna);
- Andrei Tsedrik (head of the internal service of pre-trial detention center No.1);
- Andrei Ananenka (head of GUBOPiK);
- Mikhail Bedunkevich (deputy head of GUBOPiK).
- Legmash plant;
- Design Bureau Unmanned Helicopters.
Canada’s sanctions list includes 10 individuals: Halina Lukashenka, Volha Marshalovich, Artsiom and Maksim Balaba, Iryna and Ihar Karpiankou, Uladzislau Paulenka, Uladzimir Chudakou, Anatol Savianok and Andrei Ananenka.
Canada also adds the following entities to the sanctions list:
- KGB;
- Stankogomel;
- Belarusian Metallurgical Plant;
- Legmash;
- Design Bureau Unmanned Helicopters;
- LLC Laboratory of Additive Technologies;
- Rukhservomotor;
- Minsk Bearing Plant;
- Minsk Gear Plant and Vistan.