На русском языке:
Повстанцы в ДР Конго захватили беларусские БПЛА «Беркут» и Су-25, который ремонтировали в Барановичах
На беларускай мове:
Паўстанцы ў ДР Конга захапілі беларускія БПЛА «Беркут» і Су-25, які рамантавалі ў Баранавічах
Reform.by noticed a publication of the Rwandan Broadcasting Agency, which in the evening of January 30 published photos of equipment and weapons seized by rebels from the M23 group at the airport in Goma (Democratic Republic of Congo).
In the photos, taken in one of the hangars of the airport, one can notice about 20 cargo containers with Belarusian Berkut-BM drones.
Photo: rba.co.rw
The characteristic tip on the nose cone of the UAV, red tags (which, by the way, are from Aliexpress), locks with a key on the wings, etc. indicate that it’s the Belarusian Berkut. In addition, there is also a “label” in Russian at the bottom of one of the boxes.
The main trophy of the rebels, Su-25 attack aircraft (FG-505), also got in the photos. It’s notable that this very aircraft was repaired and modernized at the 558 Aircraft Repair Plant in Baranavichy in 2018.
Photo: rba.co.rw
At that time, it was reported that the aircraft was equipped with the Satellite individual radio-technical protection equipment (developed in Baranavichy). The Su-25 (FG-505) is a former Ukraine Air Force attack aircraft, which they sold to the DRC in 2012.
Photo: rba.co.rw
Recall that it was in the DRC in 2021 that Aliaksandr Zingman was detained on suspicion of arms trafficking and released less than 2 weeks later. Mikalai Khalezin wrote at the time that the Americans were unable to prepare a full package of documents on Zingman’s illegal transactions within the required timeframe, and he left the country for Zimbabwe.