A new representarive on legal affairs in Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya’s team

Sviatlana Babintseva
2 mins

На русском языке: В команде Светланы Тихановской новый представитель по правовым вопросам
На беларускай мове: У камандзе Святланы Ціханоўскай — новы прадстаўнік па прававых пытаннях

Sviatlana Babintseva has more than 20 years of experience in legal consulting for international and Belarusian companies. Since 2013, she has defended citizens and entities in courts as a lawyer. Since 2020, Sviatlana Babintseva has defended Belarusians in politically motivated administrative and criminal cases.

Babintseva is already working in partnership with People’s Embassies, representatives of the diaspora, civil society, and human rights organizations. The cooperation will allow Sviatlana Babintseva to provide legal support to defend Belarusians within the country and abroad.

What else will she do?

– Coordinate the efforts on universal jurisdiction and lawsuits against the regime representatives involved in human rights violations, as well as work with governmental and human rights organizations on international mechanisms;

– Develop reforms of legal and institutional mechanisms for protection of rights and freedoms in accordance with the Constitution and international obligations of Belarus;

– Work on draft laws to restore the rights of Belarusians convicted on political grounds, both on the Rehabilitation Act and amendments to Belarus’ criminal legislation.

Sviatlana Babintseva has already started her work within the Office. Send your inquiries to Sviatlana via the Office’s chatbot @AskOffice_Bot. You may also contact her at [email protected].

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