A political prisoner convicted for donations died of pneumonia in the penal colony No.3

3 mins

На русском языке: В ИК-3 от пневмонии умер политзаключённый, осуждённый за донаты
На беларускай мове: У ВК-3 ад пнеўманіі памёр 50-гадовы палітвязень Вадзім Храсько, асуджаны за донаты. Яму прысудзілі 3 гады зняволення, негледзячы на тое, што мужчына меў сур’ёзнае захворванне

Viasna human rights defenders report that political prisoner Vadzim Khrasko died of pneumonia in the Vitsba penal colony No.3.

In August 2023, a 50-year-old political prisoner was sentenced to 3 years of imprisonment for several donations, despite the fact that the man had a serious illness. Vadzim died on the night of January 8-9. The man was taken to the hospital when it was too late to save him. Officials haven’t commented on the incident.

On January 12, Vadzim was buried in Minsk. This is the fourth political prisoner who died behind bars in Belarus.

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