A train derailed as a result of an explosion in Bryansk oblast: the connection between Homiel and Russia is disrupted

4 mins

На русском языке: В Брянской области взрывом пущен под откос поезд: нарушено соединение Гомеля с РФ
На беларускай мове: У Бранскай вобласці выбухам пушчаны пад адхон цягнік: парушана злучэнне Гомеля з РФ

The train derailed in the Unecha district (Bryansk oblast, Russia) at the 136th kilometer of the Bryansk-Unecha line. According to the governor of this Russian region, an unidentified explosive device detonated, and as a result, the locomotive of the freight train derailed.

According to the Russian «Baza», we are talking about the derailment of a railway train with 60 cars. Shortly before the train derailed, there was a railroad explosion, and 7-8 cars are currently lying on their sides.

It is notable that this railway line goes further from Unecha in the direction of Belarus. The Homiel publication Flagshtok notes that the railway connection between Homiel and Russian cities has been disrupted.

It is interesting that the published video of the derailment shows that the locomotive has a similar color to locomotives of the Belarusian Railway.

A train derailed as a result of an explosion in Bryansk oblast: the connection between Homiel and Russia is disrupted

Also, social network users noticed that a sign, similar to the logo of the Belarusian Railway, could be seen on the locomotive, Nasha Niva notes.

A train derailed as a result of an explosion in Bryansk oblast: the connection between Homiel and Russia is disrupted

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