BYPOL is recognized as an «extremist formation»

Illustration: ByPol
2 mins

На русском языке: BYPOL признан «экстремистским формированием»
На беларускай мове: BYPOL прызнаны «экстрэмісцкім фармаваннем»

The initiative of former law enforcement officers BYPOL was recognized as an «extremist formation». This decision was made by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The activities of BYPOL and the Peramoga mobilization plan are prohibited on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. This is reported in the Telegram channel of GUBOPiK.

The statement notes that the actions of the creators and leaders of this «extremist formation», as well as its participants (persons registered on the relevant resources) constitute a crime under Article 361-1 of the Criminal Code of Belarus and entail a punishment of up to 7 years in prison.

Also there is a mention in the message from the GUBOP that subscribing to these resources is the basis for investigative actions, for example, a search, and giving a legal assessment to each subscriber.

We remind that BYPOL is an initiative created by former law enforcement officers to counter the Belarusian authorities. On its YouTube and Telegram channels, the initiative publishes investigations, various videos related to security forces, and also «leaks» data of law enforcement officers.

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