BYPOL: The Ministry of Internal Affairs recruits by resorting to psychological techniques, lies and silence about «financial slavery»

Illustration: ByPol
2 mins

На русском языке: BYPOL: В МВД вербуют прибегая к психологическим приемам, лжи и молчанию о «финансовом рабстве»
На беларускай мове: BYPOL: У МУС вярбуюць з дапамогай псіхалагічных прыёмаў, хлусні і маўчання пра «фінансавае рабства»

The BYPOL initiative has published an investigation into how conscripts and dembels are recruited into the Internal Affairs agencies. According to them, the Main Directorate of Personnel and Ideological Work of the Central Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus is responsible for recruitment, but their work is also reduced to sending documents on the need for new recruits to lower authorities.

According to BYPOL, when recruiting into the Ministry of Internal Affairs, methods of psychological influence, lies and exploitation of the «officer’s honor» concept are used. The security forces lure potential candidates, talking about the solid advantages of the service and are silent about the fact that recruits fall into «financial slavery».

BYPOL: The Ministry of Internal Affairs recruits by resorting to psychological techniques, lies and silence about «financial slavery»

Screenshot from the BYPOL video

The investigation cites a conversation between Ivan Savelyev, the platoon commander of the battalion of the Oktyabrsky Security Department in Minsk, and a potential employee, where he tells him how good it is to work at the Security Department.

But during the conversation with his colleague, Savelyev uses a lot of obscene language and talks about how people leave the Security Department to work at any other places and blames the commanders for this. In conversation, he says that his salary is 1400 rubles with a bonus, and to get it, you need to try a lot. Savelyev is so unsure of his future that he has to resort to the help of various fortune tellers, as he himself says in the leaked audio.

Audio is available on the BYPOL YouTube channel.

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