Can parents of pupils in grades 1-4 ask for the transition to remote learning?

Photo: klimkin /
2 mins

На русском языке: Родители учащихся 1-4 классов могут просить перевести их детей на удаленку?
На беларускай мове: Бацькі вучняў 1-4 класаў могуць прасіць перавесці іх дзяцей на дыстанцыйнае навучанне?

The Telegram channel @shkolabel drew attention to the document «Temporary recommendations for the organization of the educational process in conditions of spread of COVID-19», published by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus. Chapter 5 describes the actions that are recommended for a school principal to take: if even one case of COVID-19 is detected, the school can be switched to remote learning for 2 weeks.

Can parents of pupils in grades 1-4 ask for the transition to remote learning?

A fragment of the document:

«The educational process of students is organized using information and communication technologies in fully or partly for 14 days from the date of registration of the last case»,– the document says.

It also says that the decision to switch to remote in grades 1-4 is made in consultation with the parents. It turns out that parents of pupils can demand that the principal transfer them to remote learning if there is at least one case of COVID-19 in the classroom. The main thing is that the document extends to October 2021.

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