На русском языке:
В эмиграционном кризисе виновата Москва? Немецкий министр выступил с заявлением
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У міграцыйным крызісе вінаватая Масква? Нямецкі міністр выступіў са зваротам
The German Federal Police Union has called for imposing temporary control at the border with Poland. The reason is the thousands of illegal migrants from the Middle East who are heading from Poland to Germany. It is known that they come to the European Union from Belarus, whose authorities, according to numerous testimonies, deliberately organized the flow of migrants to help them illegally cross the border with the EU. However, Michael Stübgen, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Brandeburg, doubts that this is just about Belarus.
Deutschlandfunk reports that the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Brandenburg rejected demands to close the German-Polish border to limit illegal immigration through Belarus and hinted that the migrant crisis on the borders with the EU is organized by Moscow, so the solution should be sought there.
On October 7, MEPs adopted a resolution on the situation in Belarus in which they stated that the Kremlin was involved in organizing the migration crisis on the borders of Belarus with the EU. Michael Stübgen spoke in a similar vein. This is how he is quoted by the publication Rnd.de:
"I have doubts that temporary border control will solve the problem and warn of a spiral of escalation on the German-Polish border. Border controls or even border closures will put a huge strain on the daily lives of tens of thousands of Germans and Poles in border areas. The reason for the refugees is in Minsk, the solution is in Moscow".
According to him, since August, more than 4300 people have entered the Federal Republic without permission for a new evacuation route.
"More than 100 refugees arrive [in Germany] every day. This loads our immigration service to the limit of its stability",– Inforadio quotes the words of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Brandenburg.