Survey: How has your salary changed in a year?
2 mins

На русском языке: Опрос: Как изменилась ваша зарплата за год?
На беларускай мове: Апытанне: Як змяніўся ваш заробак за год?

Belstat claims that for six months the salaries of Belarusians have increased significantly, and the number of those below the poverty line has decreased.

Is this true? There are some doubts… The data is contradictory, to say the least, especially given that almost everyone says their salaries have fallen. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to verify the data of Belstat.

But after all, nothing prevents us from conducting our own survey to understand the real dynamics’ direction of Belarusians’ wages level. Just note that this online survey does not claim to be a full-fledged sociological study and, of course, it is anonymous.

The results of the survey will be published in the @motolkohelp Telegram channel and on the website.

Accepting responses will be stopped on Friday at 21:00. 

For the widest possible sample, we suggest you sharing the survey with friends, colleagues and relatives. So you and we will find out how much Belarusians really get and what is happening with our salaries.

You can take an online survey here

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