Lukashenka’s cult of personality: plaques in his honor were installed at BSU Lyceum

4 mins

На русском языке: Культ личности Лукашенко: в Лицее БГУ открыли таблички в его честь
На беларускай мове: Культ асобы Лукашэнкі: у Ліцэі БДУ адкрылі таблічкі ў яго гонар

Last week, ceremonies for school graduates took place at BSU Lyceum and many other educational institutions in Belarus. The event showed a very clear example of the growing cult of personality of Lukashenka.

During the ceremony at the lyceum, two commemorative plaques in honor of Lukashenka – how he planted birch trees and opened a new building of the lyceum in 2001 – were installed in the courtyard of the lyceum and on its facade. The ceremony was attended by Minister of Education of Belarus Andrei Ivanets and Deputy Chairman of the KGB Siarhei Hladyshau.

“The case with the BSU Lyceum indicates not only the strengthening of the personality cult of Aliaksandr Lukashenka, but also the politicization of the educational process in the educational institution. BSU Lyceum was a notable participant of the 2020 protests, and Aliaksandr Lukashenka’s youngest son was even forced to leave the lyceum amid the protests. The installation of commemorative plaques in honor of Aliaksandr Lukashenka may symbolize the cleansing of BSU Lyceum from disloyal employees and the consolidation of the pro-governmental ideological agenda in the educational process of the institution,” iSANS experts say.

Prepared by iSANS monitoring group.

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