На русском языке:
Беларусского художника задержали в Варшаве за арт с Маском и пытаются обвинить в пропаганде нацизма
На беларускай мове:
Беларускага мастака затрымалі ў Варшаве за арт з Маском і спрабуюць абвінаваціць у прапагандзе нацызму
On the evening of January 25, Belarusian artist Maksim under the nickname street_wind_ was detained in Warsaw, which he himself told on Instagram.
“Yesterday I was doing my usual cute art, but suddenly a police patrol interrupted my act of creativity. It took a long time to sort it out, I had to spend the night at the police station. The police accused me of defacing a historical building and, attention: propaganda of Nazism and fascism,” he wrote.
The artist made a poster-art depicting a man looking like Elon Musk making Sieg Heil salute and the caption “Make Poland great for poles again!” The art was placed in front of the skyscraper on Złota street, 44, where Ilon Musk is going to buy an apartment. Maksim himself emphasizes that the art is just his reflection on current events and he did not intend to offend anyone.
However, the artist was immediately detained, a police patrol handcuffed him and took him to the police station. The next day, the man was taken to the Warsaw District Police Department, where he was required to sign papers in which he was fined 2,000 zlotys and accused of using Roman salute.
Maksim said that the police told him that he was accused of propaganda of Nazism, defacing a historical building, and that his actions were an insult to the memory of ancestors and the Polish nation. However, he refused to sign it and was released, but they took away his belongings and issued a detention report.
The man was also informed that now he was in the status of a suspect, they tried to incriminate illegal stay, as he had no current documents, since he was in the process of obtaining asylum.
Now the Belarusian is waiting for the trial and is looking for a lawyer. If you can help him, contact him on Instagram.