No fighters or helicopters conducted flights on the first day of the tactical flight exercises of the Belarusian and Russian Armed Forces in Belarus
4 mins

На русском языке: В первый день летно-тактических учений ВС РБ и РФ в Беларуси не взлетел ни один истребитель или вертолёт
На беларускай мове: У першы дзень лётна-тактычных вучэнняў УС РБ і РФ у Беларусі не ўзляцеў ніводны знішчальнік або верталёт

Today, joint tactical flight exercises with the aviation of the Belarusian and Russian Armed Forces began in Belarus. They will be held from January 16 to February 1, 2023, the Belarusian Ministry of Defense reported again this morning.

However, despite the announced start of the exercises, according to our data, not a single fighter or helicopter directly involved in the exercises took off from Belarusian airfields during the day.

The only thing that should be noted is the takeoff of a military transport An-12 aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces (RF-12560) at 13:15 (Kyiv time) from the military airfield in Baranavichy. This aircraft arrived in Belarus yesterday and flew back to Russia today, so it is not directly involved in these exercises.

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