On the night of September 4, the entire railroad traffic near Talochyn was blocked: there were reports on shooting

Community of Railway Workers of Belarus
4 mins

На русском языке: Ночью 4 сентября целиком перекрывали ЖД-движение под Толочином: есть сведения о стрельбе
На беларускай мове: Уначы 4 верасня цалкам перакрывалі чыгуначны рух пад Талачынам: ёсць звесткі пра стральбу

The Community of Railway Workers of Belarus confirms that on the night of September 4, from 01:00 to 03:00, the entire railroad traffic was blocked near Talochyn. It turns out that trains were stopped in both directions on a section with a length of 44 km from Slaunaye station to Kokhanava station.

It’s reported that the demand to close the traffic was received verbally from Lukashenko’s enforcers. At the same time, gunfire was heard in the area of Talochyn. It’s noted that it could also be explosions of railway detonators (used as a loud warning signal to train drivers).

The Community of Railway Workers of Belarus says it’s possible that the incident could be related to the secret movement of military contingent, equipment or ammunition along the railroad.

On the night of September 4, the entire railroad traffic near Talochyn was blocked: there were reports on shooting

@belzhd_live also writes that apparently, the incident of that night is being carefully hidden. This is indicated, among other things, by the lack of any notes on the suspension of traffic in the internal documents and databases of the Belarusian Railway.

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