Polish, Lithuanian and German companies are among the most active buyers of Belarusian forest products at the end of 2021

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На русском языке: Польские, литовские и немецкие компании активнее других покупали беларусскую лесопродукцию в конце 2021 года
На беларускай мове: Польскія, літоўскія і нямецкія кампаніі больш актыўна за іншых куплялі беларускую лесапрадукцыю ў канцы 2021 года

The Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange (BUCE) has updated the rating of participants in exchange trading. It is reported that the most active in the IV quarter of 2021 on the stock exchange were enterprises of the machine-building industry, woodworking, agro-combines and construction organizations.

Separately, attention is drawn to the rating of business activity in the segment of forest products, which was headed by foreign companies, both in the purchase of wood chips, where the leader was the Polish AM&HP Sp. z o.o., and in the import of lumber, which was most purchased by the German Malag & Soltau GmbH.

The top three among buyers of Belarusian chips in the 4th quarter of 2021:

  1. AM&HP Sp. z o.o. (Poland)
  2. MULTON Sp. z o.o. (Poland)
  3. UAB Gretvita (Lithuania)

The top three among buyers of Belarusian lumber in the 4th quarter of 2021:

  1. Malag & Soltau GmbH (Germany)
  2. UAB Praslas (Lithuania)
  3. UAB Eurovesta (Lithuania)

In addition, it is worth mentioning the British Alchemie Overseas Limited – this is the only foreign company that entered the rating of sellers in the section of industrial and consumer goods and took 3rd position in the 4th quarter of 2021.

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