Smuggling of Belarusian cigarettes in barrels with quartz sand is detained in Russia

2 mins

На русском языке: В России задержали контрабанду беларуcских сигарет в бочках с кварцевым песком
На беларускай мове: У Расіі затрымалі кантрабанду беларускіх цыгарэт у бочках з кварцавым пяском

Employees of the Baltic Customs (Russia) detained a container in which they found more than 100 thousand packs of Belarusian smuggled cigarettes hidden in cardboard barrels of quartz sand.

According to the documents, a Pskov company was going to export 22 tons of quartz sand to the UK. However, when opening the container, it was found that in 433 barrels, there were NZ and Minsk cigarettes produced by the Belarusian factory Neman. The cost of smuggling is not called.

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