The manufacturer of Snickers won’t add the Belarusian language to the packaging of its products

2 mins

На русском языке: Производитель Snickers не будет добавлять беларусскую мову на упаковку своих продуктов
На беларускай мове: Snickers не будзе дадаваць беларускую мову на ўпакоўку сваіх прадуктаў

Such an answer from the company MarsSEAB, which produces and sells various Snickers, Twix, and Bounty bars in Belarus, as well as Orbit and Wrigley gum, was received in mid-July by a Belarusian activist and lawyer Ihar Sluchak. Today Alina Nagornaya duplicated the same answer on Facebook.

In the response signed by the general director of MarsSEAB Mikhail Segen, the company refers to the state standard, which states that information for consumers should be in Russian or Russian and Belarusian languages. And it says that the company does not violate anything.

The company’s slogan in the official letter is quite notable: “The future depends on how we do business today.” No comment.

It should be noted that earlier Sluchak received an answer to the question about adding the Belarusian language to Danone products as well. As you may guess, everything is according to the norms too.

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