WP: Yanukovych was in Belarus in March preparing to return to Ukraine after Kyiv is occupied

Viktor Yanukovych
2 mins

На русском языке: WP: Янукович в марте находился в Беларуси готовясь вернуться в Украину после оккупации Киева
На беларускай мове: WP: Януковіч у сакавіку знаходзіўся ў Беларусі, рыхтуючыся да вяртання ва Украіну пасля акупацыі Кіева

The Washington Post writes that Viktor Yanukovych, the former president of Ukraine, was in Belarus in early March 2022, preparing to return to Ukraine after Kyiv is occupied.

According to the newspaper, before the invasion of Ukraine, Russia created two pro-Russian governments-in-waiting. Yanukovych was the central figure there, in early March he assembled with his group in Belarus, preparing to reclaim power. Also, Viktor Medvedchuk, who was detained in April by the Security Service of Ukraine, was supposed to be one of the central figures in this ‘government’.

We note that on March 7, Viktor Yanukovych’s plane with registration number RA-09617 was spotted in Belarus. However, according to our sources, Mikhail Gutseriev arrived on Yanukovych’s plane that day.

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