Vladimir Bazanov, the Head of the Belarusian Football Federation, was detained in the Czech Republic

Photo: BFF/ Belarusian Football Federation
1 mins

На русском языке: В Чехии задержан глава Беларусской федерации футбола Владимир Базанов
На беларускай мове: У Чэхіі затрыманы кіраўнік Беларускай федэрацыі футбола Уладзімір Базанаў

The police of the Moravian-Silesian Region detained Vladimir Bazanov, the Chairman of the Belarusian Football Union, together with his wife. He is suspected of violating the rules of entry into the country.

Bazanov, who is a supporter of Alexander Lukashenka, came to the Czech Republic for a football match between Belarus and the Czech Republic.

Earlier,  Jakub Kulganek, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, said that Bazanov would be deported from the Czech Republic if it turns out that he is in the country. It should be noted that the head of the football federation is under the sanctions of the Baltic states.

According to Deník N, Bazanov and his wife stayed in the Czech city of Ostrava. Yesterday he was at the stadium in Opava, where today at 17.00 the qualifying match of the Women’s World Cup is held.

«We confirm that two foreign citizens who are suspected of entering and staying in the Czech Republic in violation of the current protective measures defined by the Ministry of Health were detained within a routine check at the place of residence. We are also studying their legality of staying in our country»,– Pavla Yiroushkova, a spokeswoman for the Moravian-Silesian police, told reporters.

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Vladimir Bazanov, the head of the BFF, was deported from the Czech Republic together with his wife, their visas are canceled

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